Seminars & Webinars
Guest Speaker: April Mackenzie [CEO, External Reporting Board (XRB)]
Presentation Title: Climate-Related Disclosures and the Development of a Voluntary Non-Financial Reporting Framework: An Update from the External Reporting Board
Date & Time: Wednesday 14th September, 12.00pm-12.50pm
Venue: Livestream via Zoom [passcode: cefgroup]
Guest Speaker: Temuera Hall [Co-Founder and Managing Director, TAHITO Limited]
Presentation Title: Investing with a Te Ao Maori Worldview
Date & Time: Wednesday 28th September, 12.00pm-12.50pm
Venue: Livestream via Zoom [passcode: cefgroup]
Guest Speaker: Lucas Kengmana [Senior Investment Strategist, NZSuper Fund]
Presentation Title: Reflections on the Shift from Responsible Investment to Sustainable Finance
Date & Time: Thursday 16th August, 3.00pm-4.00pm
Venue: 563 Castle St (Centre for Sustainability) and Livestream via Zoom [passcode: cefgroup]
The event recording is now available here.
Guest Speaker: Sean Kidney [CEO, Climate Bond Initiative]
Presentation Title: Sustainable Debt Markets
Date & Time: Thursday 24th August, 12.00pm-1.00pm
Venue: Livestream via Zoom [passcode: cefgroup]
Guest Speaker: Prof. Monomita Nandy [Brunel University London, UK] and Assoc. Prof. Suman Lodh [Kingston University London, UK].
Presentation Title: Mandatory Taskforce on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures and Dynamism in the UK Climate Change
Date & Time: 12th September (Thursday) 2024, 9:00 AM- 10:00 AM (New Zealand Time)
Venue: Livestream via Zoom [passcode: cefgroup]