New papers News

Hannah’s paper published in Nature Communications!

Our latest research article was published in Nature Comms. this morning New Zealand time: Kessenich, H.E., Seppälä, A. & Rodger, C.J. Potential drivers of the recent large Antarctic ozone holes. Nat Commun 14, 7259 (2023).

The story took on a life of its own in the media, some of which reported very alarming headlines. We do not in fact report that the ozone hole in general is getting worse, it definitely continues on a track of slow recovery! Our results show that the very core of the ozone hole does not, as yet, show those sign of recovery. We also highlight the need for continued, comprehensive, monitoring of polar ozone and related species through the winter and spring seasons in the future.

Here is a blog post we wrote for the Earth and Environmental Sciences Community hosted by Nature: