Recent reviews of the state of occupational health and safety surveillance in New Zealand by the National Occupational Health and Safety Advisory Committee have revealed a woeful state of occupational hazard surveillance. This is a significant impediment to progression of health and safety initiatives in NZ. This feasibility project extends previous developmental projects by undertaking further work with a view to establishing a national survey aimed at determining the patterns of exposure to suspected and known occupational health and safety risks in NZ. This knowledge base will contribute to a broader understanding of the underlying causes of work-related injuries and disease and the possibilities for prevention.
Aim: To undertake development work with a view to establishing a national survey aimed at determining the patterns of exposure to suspected and known occupational health and safety risks in the NZ workforce.
Project Team: Rebbecca Lilley, Colin Cryer, Gabrielle Davie, Hilda Firth
Funding: Health Research Council Feasibility Grant, ACC Post Doctoral Fellowship (Rebbecca Lilley)