Sport and Recreation Injury Prevention

Extending the Reach of SportSmart: A Survey of ACC Sport and Recreation Claimants

In its sport and recreation injury prevention programme, the primary strategy adopted by ACC is coach education delivered through national sports organisations. Not all sport and recreational activities are carried out under the auspices of national sporting organisations however, and many participants in these activities cannot be reached through coach education programmes. The purpose of this project was to provide ACC with a profile of claimants falling into this “non-coached” category – variously labelled non-organised, social, casual or informal sport – so they can better target this large and potentially growing group.

– To determine the relative size and population characteristics of claimants who are reached, and not reached, through ACC’s current methods of delivering injury prevention messages and programmes, for four popular sport and recreational activities (football, netball, equestrian activities, cycling);
– To determine the relative size and characteristics of ACC claimants involved, and not involved, in organised activity for the nominated sport and recreational activities; and
– To identify potential avenues through which to communicate ACC’s injury prevention messages and programmes to those not reached through ACC’s traditional approach for the nominated sport and recreational activities.

Project Team: Bronwen McNoe, Melissa Purnell, Pam Smartt, David Chalmers.


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