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Author Archives: robph81p

Adding Turnitin plagiarism checking to your course

Plagiarism checking provided by Turnitin can be added to several activities within Moodle.


University Policy on Using Anti-Plagiarism Tools

Adapted from the University of Otago Blackboard helpsite.

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How to embed an eReserve reading into your moodle course

Having a link directly to the reading on your moodle course increases the chance students will access the reading.
Previously it was hard for students to navigate to the correct place in the eReserve activity.

There are two ways to make the link to a reading(s). Both assume you have already added your reading to eReserve. Continue reading


How to add a single Echo video to Moodle Coursepage

Having movies held within Echo360 means that you don’t have to resize them, as the system takes care of the streaming.
However you want to avoid forcing your students to have to search for a video amongst a whole collection within Echo360.
This is possible by linking directly to a particular video on the moodle page. Continue reading


How to reduce the file size of a Video using Handbrake

Reducing the size of video files is useful to save bandwidth and make videos more accessible for students on the move.
If you are using Moodle there is a file-size limit of 200Mb. If you are making the video available via Echo360 that limit does not apply, as Echo360 streams the file.
Fortunately reducing the file size of a video is relatively easy using Handbrake, which is freely available open source software. Continue reading


Tagging Moodle Resources for the Curriculum Map

By tagging resources within Moodle, the curriculum map will automatically display this link on the appropriate Core Element, such as Core Presentations, Core Professional Activities and Core Conditions.
The resource sits within Moodle, so will only be accessible by medical students and staff. But you can see the link without a login. You can tag anything within Moodle, from PDFs, to quizzes, to wikis and glossaries. Continue reading


Power Copy and Paste


As we roll into the new year, a few quick tips on how to Copy and Paste will save you time.

In the following video you will see how to:

  1. Find the place in a Word document where you were editing the last time you worked on the document.(Shift+ F5 (Mac and PC))
  2. Move or copy a selection in Word with just your mouse (and the Option (Mac) or Shift (PC) button).
  3. Move, copy and insert cells in Excel with just your mouse (and the Option or Shift (Mac) and ALT or Shift (PC) buttons)
  4. In Excel Paste without borders, so you don’t lose all those precious cell borders, using ‘Paste Special’ (CTRL+CMD+V (Mac) or ALT+H+V (PC)
  5. Automatically ‘Fill Down’ without having to scroll down endless screens in Excel. (Click the bottom right hand corner of a cell)
  6. Column Copying in Word so you only get e.g. email addresses. (Hold down option (Mac) or ALT (PC) while you click and drag).
  7. Use JumpCut (MAC freeware) to copy and paste multiple things, (copy copy copy, then paste paste paste)


Creating Groups in Moodle

Moodle provides a way to automatically create groups.
You have options to choose the following:

  • Your naming convention
  • Students per group, or per number of groups
  • Random, or surname based

This video will show you how you how.

Another post will show you how you can use ‘Team Builder’ to create groups based on other variables you set.