We are happy to announce the e-publication of Open and Closed Borders: The Geopolitics of Migration: Proceedings of the 52nd Otago Foreign Policy School, 30 June – 2 July 2017. The publication, edited by Jacqueline Leckie and Angela McCarthy, features transcripts of 12 papers from scholars, government officials, and activists on topics including: borders, migration policies, deportations, displacement, trafficking, modern slavery, racism, detention, and labour mobility.
The publication can be downloaded for free on our website: https://www.otago.ac.nz/global-migrations/otago743140.pdf
1. The High Politics of International Migration in the Twenty-First Century: Sketching an Update of The Age of Migration (Mark Miller)
2. Border as Method to Investigating Logistics (Brett Neilson)
3. Forced Return: The Massive Deportation of Mexican Immigrants from the United States in the Trump Era (Rafael Alarcón Acosta)
4. Responding to Human Displacement Through Regional Arrangements in the Asia-Pacific Region (Paris Aristotle)
5. Looking Forward: Responding to Protracted Refugee Displacement (Jennifer Hyndman)
6. The Global Crisis of Refugees and Conflict Displacement: Challenges, Opportunities and Responsibility by the International Community (Maya Ameratunga)
7. Human Trafficking and Smuggling in the 21st Century: A Perspective on Trans-Disciplinary Cooperation (Thanh-Dam Truong)
8. Bali Process: Regional Responses to Modern Slavery, Human Trafficking and People Smuggling (Andrew Goledzinowski)
9. The Apollonian Muslim (Yassir Morsi)
10. Beyond Force or Choice: The Frictions and Fantasies of Mobility in the Pacific (Yvonne Underhill-Sem)
11. Tulele Peisa: Sailing the Waves on our Own (Ursula Rakova; presented by Jenny Bryant-Tokalau)
12. Detention Centres: Public Accountability in Australia? The Practice of Forced Exclusion and Punishment of Selected Asylum Seekers (Wendy Bacon)