On Sunday 26 November 2017, we held a one-day symposium on education, migration and translation, organised by Professor Henry Johnson and Dr Vivienne Anderson. The keynote speaker was Professor Michael Singh from the Centre for Educational Research, Western Sydney University. A further 13 presentations followed, leading to rich and stimulating conversations.
One of our presenters, Sherrie Lee from the University of Waikato, featured the symposium on her blogsite, ‘The Diasporic Academic’. Presenting five papers at four events over three weeks, we were delighted that Sherrie awarded us her prize for ‘Best Intellectual Engagement’. Sherrie wrote of the event:
‘The one-day multi-disciplinary symposium was varied in its presentations ranging from the classroom, to community, to larger ideological issues operating in diasporic and multiethnic spaces. Despite the wide-ranging topics, I enjoyed and learnt from the high quality presentations, not least the keynote presentation by Professor Michael Singh who demonstrated strong theoretical and historical links among the three big themes of education, migration and translation.
‘This one day symposium was truly an unforgettable experience where we spent most of that Sunday in one seminar room, not only sampling a large array of research, but having rich conversations with one another.’
Dunedin also won Sherrie’s prize for Best conference city. As she noted, ‘The lovely weather sustained throughout the five days I was there was simply unbeatable.’