
Moving from Library electronic reserve to eReserve

The existing electronic reserve Library service — where students access readings from the Library search page — is being replaced with a more sophisticated and versatile solution called eReserve. eReserve sits inside your Blackboard or Moodle page and provides your students, you and the University with many benefits.

The eReserve team will be automatically migrating readings for staff and will be in touch about this in advance of Semester 2 2016.

Step 1: the eReserve team sends staff a Word document that lists all readings in the old system.

Step 2: staff review those readings, removing anything no longer needed and adding any new ones.

Step 3: the eReserve team loads the revised set of readings into eReserve, then lets the staff know this has happened.

Step 4: staff add the eReserve link, like this for Blackboard or like this for Moodle.

Step 5: staff click on the link created in Step 4, select their citation style and organise their readings.

Step 6: remove or hide any readings from your Blackboard/Moodle pages so that the only copy students can access is inside eReserve.

Any questions? Email the eReserve team.