Minutes of SciDrilling @ Otago Meeting Monday 6 May 12:00
1. Review of report from Ocean Planet IODP Strategic Plan workshop
6 New Zealanders participated. There were a lot of early and mid-career researchers at the workshop. A science plan will be circulated to the community for comment by the end of the month. Please read and add your ideas!!!
2. Expedition 378: South Pacific Paleogene Climate. Applications to sail are CLOSING 10 APRIL 2019. For more info and to apply click HERE
3. March and May ANZIC Bulletins
See the summary posts linked in the announcement of this meeting.
4. ORCA update
Refurbishment of lab and office space is well underway
We are discussing transitional arrangements for management of the facility given Gary and Virginia’s new positions away from Otago. Key contacts in future will be Bob Dagg, Chris Moy, Christina Riesselman, and Christian Ohneiser.
5. Report back from EGU Conference
6. Any other business?
Simon Cox reports that the Harbourside and South Dunedin Deep drilling project will be starting on May 20th. Sharon Hornblow (ORC) is the key person, supported by GNS (Phil Glassey). Oliver Rees and Christina Riesselman and others will be involved. Info attached. Holes in Harbourside will be 9m installed with piezos. Holes at Culling Park and Tonga Park will target 70m+/bedrock.
Next IN PERSON meeting @ORCA Monday 5 Aug 12:00. You can also join online here: Zoom: https://otago.zoom.us/j/207435659.
Interim email updates/meetings will be sent by Virginia on 3 June and 1 July.
ANZIC Bulletin 3 April 2019
The latest bulletin is available to download as a PDF.
- Applications Open: ANZIC Legacy Funding
- Call to sail: South Atlantic Transect 1, Expedition 390
– 5 October to 5 December 2020. Apps due 1 Aug - ANZIC Pre-proposal Workshop Support funding available
- Call for Science Committee Members (talk to CR)
- Exp 368X South China Sea Rifted Margin report available
- Haiti-DRILL Magellan Plus Workshop
– Plouzané France, 20-22 May, 2019 - List of recent publications
SciDrilling @ Otago Monthly Meeting 6 May 12:00 @ ORCA
Hi all
Its due time for another monthly meeting, which will be next Monday 6 May 12:00- at the Core Repository (ORCA). You can also join online here: Zoom: https://otago.zoom.us/j/207435659
1. Review of report from Ocean Planet IODP Strategic Plan workshop
2. Expedition 378: South Pacific Paleogene Climate. Applications to sail are CLOSING 10 APRIL 2019. For more info and to apply click HERE
3. March and May ANZIC Bulletins
4. ORCA update
5. Report back from EGU Conference
6. Any other business?
I hope to see some of you there in person or via Zoom.
Thanks, Virginia
ANZIC Bulletin March 2019
The March ANZIC Bulletin can be downloaded as a PDF
It’s contents in summary:
- OCEAN PLANET: Developing the new IODP Strategic Plan 20124-2034 – Join us in Canberra 14-16 April, 2019
- Expedition #389 ‘Hawaiian Drowned Reefs’ is postponed!
- New Caledonia Peridotite Amphibious Drilling Workshop (NCDP) Report
- Save the Date: Science meets Parliament 2019, 13-14 August 2019
- NCRIS User Satisfaction Survey
- Seeking temporary Marine Technicians to sail on JR
- Link to March issue Science & Technology Australia Newsletter
- Upcoming Conference on Paleooceanography
Minutes of Monthly meeting 4 March 2019 12:00-12:30
via zoom: https://otago.zoom.us/j/207435659
In attendance: Virginia Toy, Christina Riesselman, Chris Moy, Christian Ohneiser
1. Blog posts
– Reminder to register for the Ocean Planet Workshop – 14-16 April in Canberra
Attendees at present Christina Riesselman, Chris Hollis, Stuart Henrys
Virginia emailed and recommended that Rupert Sutherland, Cecile Massiot, Julie Rowland, Jennifer Eccles…. Represent the hard rock/geophysics/structure world.
Virginia will also co-ordinate a submission from EGU by announcement at the IODP/ICDP Town Hall at 20:00 on 9 April, and by being based at the IODP/ICDP booth with a laptop and a draft science plan (we hope) on 11 April ready for people to drop by and contribute their thoughts.
– U.S. Scientific Ocean Drilling Beyond 2023 Workshop
– Latest ANZIC Bulletin including
• Special call for shore-based nanofossil specialist on Exp 385. Apply ASAP
• Article about an amazing IODP scientist Dr. Christina Riesselman !!
• Calls to sail (ie apply) for Expeditions 387 – Amazon Continental Margin and 388 – Equatorial Atlantic Gateway. These are both pretty novel projects that combine oceanic and continental drilling – a first for IODP/ICDP – and will thus be extremely cool to be involved in. Apply!
• Exp 358 – NanTroSEIZE phase 4 plate boundary thrust drilling news
• Exp 378 – Amundsen Sea West Antarctic Ice Sheet drilling news
• Workshop reports – New Caledonia Peridotite and Aus-Antarctic transect.
• Reminder to register for the Ocean Planet Workshop
• ANZIC Program Scientist roadshow… dates have already passed and nothing planned in Dunedin.
Richard Blaikie was invited. Christina Hulbe attended instead.
Current IODP membership ends in 2020, at which time Oz will go up to full rather than half membership as at present (which will be $10 M/a)
There is a move at GNS to obtain higher level infrastructure funding to contribute better too. It’s the plan that Stuart Henrys was working on last year that stalled when GNS didn’t have a strategy manager… they are likely to hire one soon so this may move forward again.
Stuart wanted support from Universities. Victoria’s DVC Research has agreed to coordinate with other insititutions’ DVC Research to ensure there is a join submission of support from the Universities.
• Announcements for a couple of conferences
These are :
In conf on Paleooceanography 2-6 Sept Sydney Australia
3rd Int congress on stratigraphy 2-5 July Milan
Izu-Bonin Oct 27-Nov 2 Japan
• A survey administered by James Cook University evaluating the relationship between University training and the skills needed for Industry jobs.
2. Otago Core Repository Update
There is a steering group meeting this afternoon and its likely that further communications will be distributed thereafter. Please feel free to drop by and see how its going.
3. Other business
Reminder to register for Ocean Planet Workshop – 14 to 16 April, Canberra
As part of the worldwide effort to develop the next decadal plan for scientific ocean drilling, the ANZIC Ocean Planet Workshop will bring together Australian and New Zealand experts in marine geoscience and geomicrobiology relevant to drilling who wish to help formulate a new 2024-2034 science plan for ANZIC and international partners. Participants will deliberate new research frontiers, gaps in the current IODP Science Plan , and improved engineering, technological, drilling, logging, and observing capabilities. The workshop report will form the basis of Australia’s and New Zealand’s input into the next global decadal plan.
Please consider attending this important planning workshop and encourage others in your organisation to attend, especially early or mid-career researchers with an active interest in the science that can be addressed by scientific drilling. Limited funding is available to support travel and accommodation.
For those unable to attend the workshop, the convenors encourage submission of white papers on science challenges, themes and drilling targets in the coming decades. Register for attendance or white paper submission here:
Please also email nzodp@gns.cri.nz by 9 March if you plan to attend the workshop or submit a white paper.
Scientific Drilling at Otago monthly meeting: Monday 4 March 12:00-12:30
This meeting is online only, using Zoom: https://otago.zoom.us/j/207435659
Agenda items:
1. Blog posts
– U.S. Scientific Ocean Drilling Beyond 2023 Workshop
– Latest ANZIC Bulletin including
• Special call for shore-based nanofossil specialist on Exp 385. Apply ASAP
• Article about an amazing IODP scientist Dr. Christina Riesselman !!
• Calls to sail (ie apply) for Expeditions 387 – Amazon Continental Margin and 388 – Equatorial Atlantic Gateway. These are both pretty novel projects that combine oceanic and continental drilling – a first for IODP/ICDP – and will thus be extremely cool to be involved in. Apply!
• Exp 358 – NanTroSEIZE phase 4 plate boundary thrust drilling news
• Exp 378 – Amundsen Sea West Antarctic Ice Sheet drilling news
• Workshop reports – New Caledonia Peridotite and Aus-Antarctic transect.
• Reminder to register for the Ocean Planet Workshop
• ANZIC Program Scientist roadshow… dates have already passed and nothing planned in Dunedin.
• Announcements for a couple of conferences
• A survey administered by James Cook University evaluating the relationship between University training and the skills needed for Industry jobs.
2. Otago Core Repository Update
3. Other business
The Otago iTrax is now in operation!
We are pleased to announce the delivery and installation of our new Itrax high-resolution XRF core scanner. The Itrax is globally recognized for its high precision and rapid generation of multi-element profiles (Al to U) of whole rock and split sediment cores. The instrument can rapidly determine the distribution of a wide range of elements at cm scale down to 0.1 mm, which makes it possible to accurately measure fine details of the core stratigraphy. In addition, the instrument can produce x-ray images that provide valuable information about subtle density (lithology) changes within sediment cores. This is a fundamental tool used in Earth science research and we are proud to have this new capability at the University of Otago.
The instrument has been installed within a modified 20’ marine shipping container in the former Wickliffe Press Building (59 Clyde Street), which now houses the recently established Otago analytical core repository.
We are grateful for the financial support received from a Research & Enterprise major equipment grant and contributions from the Departments of Geology, Geography and Marine Science that have made this important acquisition possible. We will hold an open house within the next few months to celebrate the arrival of the new instrument and the establishment of the new facility.
Please contact Chris Moy (chris.moy@otago.ac.nz) for more information.
Latest ANZIC Bulletin available
The lates ANZIC bulletin can be downloaded here
Of possible interest in this one:
- Special call for shore-based nanofossil specialist on Exp 385. Apply ASAP
- Article about an amazing IODP scientist Dr. Christina Riesselman !!
- Calls to sail (ie apply) for Expeditions 387 – Amazon Continental Margin and 388 – Equatorial Atlantic Gateway. These are both pretty novel projects that combine oceanic and continental drilling – a first for IODP/ICDP – and will thus be extremely cool to be involved in. Apply!
- Exp 358 – NanTroSEIZE phase 4 plate boundary thrust drilling news
- Exp 378 – Amundsen Sea West Antarctic Ice Sheet drilling news
- Workshop reports – New Caledonia Peridotite and Aus-Antarctic transect.
- Reminder to register for the Ocean Planet Workshop
- ANZIC Program Scientist roadshow… dates have already passed and nothing planned in Dunedin.
- Announcements for a couple of conferences
- A survey administered by James Cook University evaluating the relationship between University training and the skills needed for Industry jobs.
Workshop Announcement NEXT: Scientific Ocean Drilling Beyond 2023
In December, we announced the U.S. workshop for the future of scientific ocean drilling to be held in Denver, Colorado, USA on May 6-7, 2019. The workshop, entitled “NEXT: Scientific Ocean Drilling Beyond 2023,” will convene approximately 120 IODP community members to develop the U.S. plan for continued scientific ocean drilling without a hiatus at the end of the current program. Progress is being made on plans to replace the aging JOIDES Resolution with a modernized, more capable non-riser drilling vessel to help accommodate our transition to a long-term future in scientific ocean drilling.
The goals of this workshop are to: (1) update existing scientific challenges and identify new challenges to be included in a post-2023 science plan; and (2) identify and prioritize the required technologies and platform needs to enable the scientific ocean drilling research community to address those challenges in a new ocean drilling program.
Space will be limited at this meeting, but it is important to hear all voices and ideas. Therefore, pre-meeting webinars, and possibly live streaming of the workshop, will be available to those who cannot attend. In preparation for the workshop, we ask on the application for you to carefully consider and respond to three questions:
Looking beyond 2023, what current IODP science plan challenges need to be modified or expanded? How and why?
What new scientific challenges should be formulated in the next IODP science plan?
What is needed in a new U.S. riserless drilling vessel (from coring to shipboard analysis) to answer these new or updated challenges?
Below you will find links to the workshop web page, application site, and current science plan. Your answers to the above questions are important and will guide us in our selection of who will be invited to the NEXT workshop. Your input is extremely valuable even if you are not invited or are unable to attend the meeting, as it will inform the discussion prior to the meeting and allow all participants to come prepared with new thoughts and ideas.
The end product of the NEXT workshop will be a document that will be shared with our international partners and the National Science Foundation. This workshop report will also serve to inform other stakeholders such as the deans or directors of our research institutions and our elected representatives in the U.S. Congress.
The application period closes on February 15. Invited participants from U.S. institutions will be supported by the USSSP Office. Interested non-U.S. scientists are encouraged to complete an application and contribute to the community dialog, but must work with their national Program Member Offices with regard to funding. We anticipate around 20-30 openings for international participants, so invitations will be limited.
Anthony Koppers and Jim Wright, Co-Chairs
Instituting US Scientific Ocean Drilling Beyond 2023 (IODP)
NEXT workshop webpage
Apply to the NEXT workshop (by Feb 15)
Current IODP Science Plan