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ANZIC Travel Support for Participants in the New Caledonia Peridotite Amphibious Drilling Workshop

Due to the high interest and relevance to ANZIC community, the ANZIC Governing Council has made available 4 x$1500 travel support grants to participate at this pre-proposal development meeting.

ANZIC institutional members can apply for support of which two of the travel support grants will be made available for ECRs.

Details regarding the meeting are:

22-24 January 2019, Montpellier, France – website and flyer – The actual workshop application deadline is the: 15 October 2018.
Conveners: Julien Collot, Marguerite Godard, Camille Clerc, Rupert Sutherland, Juerg Matter.
Participation: Scientists who are interested to take part in a workshop should contact the convenor (see links).

To apply for ANZIC support please submit your EOI to by Wednesday the 3rd Oct.

Your EOI should address the following:

  • a summary of your expertise and experience (especially IODP/ICDP) relevant to the proposed objectives (max 300 words.)
  • a plan of how you would participate at the workshop and then share the outcomes with the ANZIC community (max 200 words)
  • an assessment of how attendance would benefit you professionally (please identify if you are an ECR here) (max 300 words)
  • have you received ANZIC funding/support in the last 3 years? If so please list the outcomes/outputs you have produced to date.

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