Last opportunity! Expedition 387 Amazon Margin Informational Webinar
Dear ANZIC members,
If you are considering applying to one of the last two official ANZIC legs and berth opportunities on Exp. 387, prior to ANZIC’s renewal bid, please link in and participate in this informational webinar.
The International Ocean Discovery Program is now accepting applications for scientific participants on Expedition 387 Amazon Margin aboard the JOIDES Resolution. Opportunities exist for researchers (including graduate students) in all shipboard specialties, including but not limited to sedimentologists, micropaleontologists, paleomagnetists, inorganic/organic geochemists, microbiologists, petrologists, petrophysicists, and borehole geophysicists. To learn more about the scientific objectives of Expedition 387, life at sea, and how to apply to sail, please join us for a web-based seminar on Monday, February 11, 2019 at 12:00 pm Eastern Time. Read more
To participate in the webinar, you need access to the Internet and a computer with a microphone and speaker capability or a telephone. To register, click the following link: Exp. 387 Webinar.
ICDP Training Course on Downhole Measurements
The International Continental Scientific Drilling Program, ICDP, kindly invites scientists from upcoming scientific drilling projects to apply for the
ICDP Training Course on Downhole Measurements
to be held June 24-28, 2019 in Kuopio/Outokumpu, Finland. This training course will encompass the different technical and scientific aspects of downhole measurements and their analysis in scientific drilling, including borehole logging under various conditions and scientific demands, seismic borehole measurements, downhole hydraulic tests, fluid logging & sampling, and fibre optical methods. The training course is recommended for graduate students, PhD students, Early-Careers and Senior Scientists involved in running or upcoming scientific drilling projects.
Deadline for application is February 15, 2019. Decisions will be communicated by end of February. Preference will be given to applicants involved in ICDP drilling projects, applicants from ICDP member countries, developing countries, and those from countries considering ICDP membership. For the successful candidates, expenses including those for travelling, visa, meals and accommodation will be covered by ICDP. Applications should include a letter of interest, CV, and at least two letters of support. Please sent your application documents as single PDF file to File size should not exceed 10 Megabytes.
More information on ICDP training measures can be found at
ANZIC Bulletin #73, 14 January 2018
- ANZIC Ocean Planet Workshop 2019, 14-16 April in Canberra
- NZ should be represented here. Visit to register interest.
- ANZIC Seeking Administration Officer
- IODP Team at AGU 100
- Call to Sail
- Expedition 387, Amazon Margin. Deadline 1 March
- Expedition 388, Equatorial Atlantic Gateway. Deadline 1 April.
- ANZIC Program Scientist Roadshow
- Download the ANZIC 2017 Annual Report
- Workshops
- IODP Pre-propsal Writing Workshop, 5-6 Feb in Perth
- Anatomy of a Long-Lived Oceanic Arc: Geology, Geophysics and Geochemistry of the Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc System and Analogs. Oct 27- Nov 2. Apply by 1 May
- STA (Science and Technology Australia) News
Group Meeting Minutes, 7 Jan 2019
Here at today’s meeting minutes:
Scientific Drilling Meeting minutes JAn 7 2019
Next meeting will be 11 Feb 12:00-13:00
ANZIC Ocean Planet Workshop – EOI portal is open
Invitation to Geoscience and BioGeoscience communities to be a part of the next IODP Decadal Science plan via the ANZIC Ocean Planet workshop here in Canberra in April 14-16th 2019.
The EOI portal has now opened ( ). The registration site captures both those that are interested and able to attend and those that can not attend but would like to still submit a white paper suggestion to the process of determining ANZICs input to the process.
The workshop is open to ALL Australian and New Zealand researchers/ government agencies/related industry/ policy groups interested in the future of IODP’s scientific direction. We particularly encourage ECR and Mid-career researchers/staff to participate and there is a day set aside for them to provide their views. We aim to have ~150 participants and will close the invitation portal to White paper only submissions if 200 EOIs to attend is reached.
The ANZIC Office and Science Committee are excited about this major event and we hope you will ensure that your institution is well represented.
EGU 2019 session on IODP
EGU 2019 will be held in Vienna, Austria, in the 2nd week of April 2019. IODP and ICDP always have a presence at this meeting, and this year there is a dedicated IODP session. If you’re doing research that’s relevant and thinking of attending EGU perhaps you want to submit an abstract to it by the deadline of 10 Jan 2019?