Call for applications for Chikyu Expedition 380: installing a downhole observatory
Dear colleagues
We are now accepting ANZIC applications from scientists in our member institutions for scientific participation in Chikyu expedition 380 NanTroSEIZE Stage 3: Frontal Thrust Long-Term Borehole Monitoring System (LTBMS) in late 2017. Opportunities exist only for observatory specialists and downhole logging specialists at this stage. The deadline for applications to ANZIC is 1 May.
Could senior scientists please ensure that this is widely circulated to relevant (often engineering) groups in their institutions.
CDEX currently plans to implement IODP Expedition 380: NanTroSEIZE Stage 3: Frontal Thrust Long-Term Borehole Monitoring System (LTBMS) beginning on 23 October 2017. The main expedition goal is to drill and case a riserless hole at Site C0006 to at least ~500 meters below the sea floor (mbsf). IODP NanTroSEIZE Complex Drilling Project. The IODP Complex Drilling Project (CDP) known as the Nankai Trough Seismogenic Zone Experiment (NanTroSEIZE) Project comprises multiple expeditions over a several-year period aimed at sampling and instrumenting the up-dip transition into the subduction seismogenic zone. Site C0006 will be the site of the third LTBMS installed for the NanTroSEIZE project.
EGU ICDP and IODP meeting
If you will be at EGU this year, please attend the joint ICDP-IODP EGU2017_Townhall in room G20, 7-8pm, Tues 25th April.
Deadline approaching: Continental Scientific Drilling Science Planning Workshop
Deadline April 14: Continental Scientific Drilling Science Planning Workshop in Minneapolis May 18-19. Please attend; travel funded by NSF.
The CSDCO requests participation in the development of a community Long Range Science Plan. If you plan to core or drill on Earth’s continents in the next 10 years, your ideas should be included in the Science Plan.
Apply to Attend Science Planning Workshop 2 (Deadline: April 14):
This workshop is for scientific disciplines other than Paleorecords requiring continental drilling and coring: Critical Zone, Deep Biosphere, Tectonics/Magmatism, Fault Zone, Impact Structures, Hydrology, Geothermal, Geochemistry, and others. Participants from the Paleorecords community will be considered if space and funding allow. Travel is supported through CSDCO funding from NSF.
Complete information is available at the Workshop 2 webpage:
Email from Stuart Henrys – DRILLNZ
Stuart Henrys at GNS Science co-ordinates the DRILLNZ (now GeoDiscoveryNZ) group. He emailed today to remind us of the IODP Workshop application deadline and the ANZIC Report not he web – both of which I’ve already told you about this morning. Additionally he comments:
1. In order to take advantage of the many port calls coming up in 2018 Chris Hollis and myself, together with John Callan (GNS) met with Emily Watt, a PR consultant, who has put together a draft comms plan. The plan is attached and we welcome feedback. IODP Comms Plan-March2017(final). Recently I have had an opportunity to pitch IODP to Minister Paul Goldsmith, Megan Woods (Labour spokesperson for Science), and Laura and I spoke to Gareth Hughs (Greens) earlier this year. All are keen to visit the ship when berthed in Wellington!
2. The table attached to the comms plan provides a summary of the Expeditions, participants (to date), and port calls for the 6 legs scheduled in NZ waters and the Ross Sea. In addition, if you receive the Royal Society Alerts, you will see we are calling for E&O applications. I attach the advertisement and keen to spread the word for this as well. 17 April deadline NZ Education & Outreach Advert
3. We have relaunched the DRILLNZ web site as GeoDiscoveryNZ We needed to do this because of peculiar associations were showing up on google search. In any case, it has given us an opportunity to rearrange it a bit. We are still in the process of doing that and improving the layout.
Email in lieu of a monthly meeting: LAST CALL for IODP and CSDCO Workshop Applications
Hi all
First, note that I am not presently in Dunedin so haven’t convened a lunchtime meeting this month. I will also be away next month but am likely to call an ‘out of season’ meeting in mid May to make up for that.
Second, please note that next Monday 10 April is the deadline for applications to attend the IODP planning workshop in Sydney in mid June. I would really like people to apply to attend this important workshop. At it, plans will be made for applications to IODP for future expeditions in the SW Pacific region in the coming decade. Its really important that those of us who will be doing Ocean Drilling-related science in this region are involved in defining our scientific goals. If you think you could attend, please please apply. For those who cannot attend, I will compile a list of science ideas/targets/objectives that I hope one Otago representative can take to the Workshop and present for us. I will also send this summary to Neville Exxon. If you have relevant ideas please signal these to me.
There is also a Continental Scientific Drilling workshop of similar style planned in Minneapolis in May this year, and if you think you might be involved in projects in the USA or with US colleagues in the next decade you should be thinking of attending that. Deadline for applications is 14 April. More details under 3 below.
Third, I’ve recently added updates to our blog about
1. A new ANZIC Annual Report available for download if desired
2. An invitation to join a Geol Soc of America Interdisciplinary Interest Group for Continental Scientific Drilling.
3. A call for applications to join a workshop planning the science drivers and drilling targets for Continental Scientific Drilling in America (and projects that Americans might contribute to overseas!) in Minneapolis from May 18-19 this year. If anyone can attend this I strongly recommend applying by the deadline of 14 April. There are also links in that blog post to some online surveys that you can/should try to fill in to provide some input if you can’t attend in person.
4. There is a blog post about an online article about the W Pacific Warm Pool and the latest ANZIC Bulletin.
5. I am working on setting up a mailing list for these emails but haven’t done it yet… but can you glance at the addressee list here and see if I am missing anyone please?
6. There is a similar upcoming workshop (Sept 2017) related to the JOIDES resolution. Details here:
OK, if you have any questions about any of this stuff please contact me by email. Also, keep watching the blog for new stuff I pop up there as I mostly don’t send out emails to you all as I do it.
Last call: Attendance at Australasian IODP Planning Workshop: Sydney University 13-16 June
Dear colleagues – this is to remind everyone that the deadline is next Monday, April 10th. It is clear that the international and national attendance will be very good, and the workshop should be a great success. With regards, Neville.
Original announcement:
There will be an important international IODP Workshop at Sydney University from 13-16 June, with good funding support. As you all know Australia and New Zealand have been very successful in working with others to ensure that more than a dozen IODP expeditions have examined or will examine global science problems in our area from 2010 to 2018. The primary aim is to plan the next phase of strong proposals and hence drilling expeditions in our region by JOIDES Resolution, whose schedule has it back here in 2022. Of course, other plans should involve the European platforms and Chikyu. The geographic regions involved are the eastern Indian, the Southwest Pacific, and the adjacent Southern Ocean and Antarctic margin. For us the workshop is essentially about getting teams together to build proposals, and there will be some ANZIC funding to provide travel support for suitable people.
Details are provided on the ANZIC website, under for scientists. The direct link is This works with most search engines but not with Google at this moment. Applications for Australians and New Zealanders to attend have a deadline of 10 April.
ANZIC Annual Report for 2016 now up on web site
Dear colleagues
The ANZIC 2016 Annual Report is now available from the ANZIC web site on It is well worth looking through and gives a good overview of our highly successful group and the great scientific work being undertaken.
A number of printed copies will be used strategically to forward the interests of ANZIC. Some will be sent to various individuals and groups in the next few weeks, including a number sent to Principal and Chief Investigators for forwarding as appropriate in each member institution. Some will be sent to leaders in government departments and other institutions, and some will be handed out in various meetings.
With regards