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Tag Archives: Maori history

Constitutional Conversation

The Centre for Research on Colonial Culture is holding a one-day symposium at the Otago Museum (Barclay Theatre) on Friday 8 March. The speakers in this event will reflect on New Zealand’s political history and its constitutional development. This symposium is designed to cast new light on important historical questions but it also functions as the Centre’s contribution to the ‘Constitutional Conversation’. Members of the Constitutional Advisory Panel (CAP) will be attending and Sir Tipene O’Regan, co-chair of CAP,  will participate in the final discussion session. This event is open to the public and there is no registration fee: morning and afternoon tea will be provided (but not lunch). But entrance will be by ticket only as space is restricted.  If you want a ticket please email <> – there is limited space and tickets will be issued on a first come, first served basis.


Hawkes Bay Museum and Art Gallery

Are you fascinated by museums and material culture? Are you interested in following the exciting developments taking place at the Hawkes Bay Museum and Art Gallery? If so, we encourage you to follow the HBMAG Blog, which features articles about some of the amazing treasures held by the institution, as well as updates on the changes taking place at the museum.


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