An Account of Corsica: The Book that Made James Boswell Famous

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Boswell-as-CorsicanFebruary brings us a host of riches, including a visit from American academic Prof. Mona Scheuermann lecturing on Boswell’s Account of Corsica (1768).

Author of five books on eighteenth-century literature and culture examining figures such as Hannah More, William Godwin and Jane Austen, Prof. Scheuermann is currently working on a new book tentatively entitled The Orient and the Neighborhood: EighteenthCentury European Travel Images.

When James Boswell decided, at the end of his quite standard Grand Tour, to add Corsica to his trip before he headed home he could not have expected that the Corsican fight for liberty would become his own life-long cause, nor that his written account of the trip instantly would make him famous.  But “Corsica Boswell” he became.  This lecture will discuss the themes of Boswell’s account as well as the specific aspects of Corsican culture he chose to highlight.

The lecture will take place in Archway 2 at 5:30–6:30 on Monday, 23 February.  We look forward to seeing you.

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