Kia ora koutou i tēnei wiki o te reo Māori!
Me whakauru mā te hononga ki raro. He hui kore utu tēnei*, whakaurutia mai mēnā ka tae ā-tinana mai koe mō te roa o te hui (mō ngā kai), mā Zoom rānei (kia taea e mātou te hononga te tuku ki a koe). Kaua e whakauru mēnā ka tae ā-tinana mō ngā kauhau ruarua noa iho. Whakapā mai ki mēnā ka whakakore, ka tīni rānei koe i te whakaurunga.
If you wish to attend Utaina!, please register via the link above. Registration is free*, and we ask that you please register if you plan to attend the majority of the day (for catering purposes) or via Zoom (so we can send you the link). You do not need to register if you only plan to attend one or two of the presentations in person. Please contact if you need to cancel or amend your registration.
(Scroll down for English translation)
Kua kōrerotia kētia, he paku puna pūtea tā mātou hei tautoko i ētahi o ngā kaiwhakauru kia haere mai, kia noho hoki ki Ōtepoti mō te hui o Utaina! He pānui tēnei hei whakamārama, ka pēhea mātou e mātua tuku i te pūtea.
Nā te aronga mātauranga o Utaina!, he hiahia nō mātou hei whakawātea i ngā kaiako kia tae mai ki te hui nei. Ko ēnei ngā kaimahi e whakaako ana i ngā tamariki, i ngā rangatahi hoki. Ka mātua tuku ki ngā kaiako o ngā kōhungahunga, o ngā kura, o ngā kura tuarua hoki, ka pēnei:
- Ko ngā kaiako e aro atu ana ki te mātauranga pūtaiao, nāna i mahi i ngā momo kura Māori katoa.
- Ko ngā kaiako e aro atu ana ki te mātauranga pūtaiao, nāna i mahi i tētahi kura i haeretia ai e te tokomaha o ngā tauira Māori.
- He kaiako anō, nāna i kore ai i mahi i ērā momo āhuatanga e rua.
Mēnā ka hiahia koe ki te whiwhi pūtea tautoko, me whakauru koe i mua i te 14 o Oketopa, ā, whiriwhiria ‘Āe|Yes’ i te pātai mō te puna pūtea tautoko. (Ka taea e koe te whakakore tō whakaurunga, mēnā ka hiahia.)
Mēnā he pātai āu, tukua īmēra mai:
As indicated previously, we have a limited amount of funding available to support travel and accommodation for participants travelling from outside of Dunedin to attend Utaina! This post is to provide further information about how we plan to prioritise this funding.
Given the strong education focus of Utaina!, we want to reduce the barriers for teachers to attend. This includes anyone working to educate our tamariki and rangatahi. For our support funding, we will prioritise kaiako/teachers from early childhood, primary or secondary schools as follows:
- Kaiako/teachers interested in science education, who work at Māori language immersion schools.
- Kaiako/teachers interested in science education, who work at schools with high proportions of Māori students.
- Any other kaiako/teachers that do not fit the above descriptions.
If you are interested in receiving travel or accommodation support, please ensure you register before 14 October and select ‘Āe|Yes’ in the travel/accommodation support question when registering. (Please note: you can cancel your registration later, should you need to.)
If you have any questions, please email: