Performance of the Real Community working papers

This is a space for the circulation of dialogues, provocations and ideas arising from Performance of the Real Research Theme events. The work here is drawn particularly from postgraduate and early career researchers and is intended to showcase the energy and dynamism generated by the various symposia, conferences and discussions we have organised. All material here is double blind peer reviewed and rigorously assessed before posting. At the bottom of each post you can download a formatted PDF version of the article.

However, this site is also intended as space for experimentation and the constitution of discussion. This site incorporates multimedia content and hosts work from multiple disciplines – each of whom tackle the compelling notion of the ‘real’ in lively, and exciting ways.

Working Papers will be regularly updated as fresh work arises and we encourage thoughtful, critical engagement with the material through the ‘comments’ function. Currently this page is managed and edited by Rosemary Overell and Sarah Thomasson.

Mediating the real

Our first posts are on the topic of Mediating the Real and features a media essay reflecting on ‘true’ crime, homophobia and visual representation; work on Virginia Woolf and Lacan; an analysis of Kosinki’s film Obilvion using Todd McGowan’s work; as well as an engagement of archiving ‘real’ material in institutional spaces.

Coyle, Sean. 2018. ‘Wandering and Wondering in Wonderland. Performance of the Real Working Papers 1 (2): 1-25:

Haywood, Loraine. 2018. ‘Reflecting Absence, Mediating ‘the Real’: Oblivion as a requiem for 9/11′. Performance of the Real Working Papers 1 (2): 26-46 :

Yu, Eileen. 2017. ‘The Sun’s Eclipse and Fantasy of the Eye: Feminist Vision in Virginia Woolf’s “The Sun and the Fish”‘. Performance of the Real Working Papers 1 (1): 1-12 :

Hope, Cat and Adam Trainer. 2017. ‘Performing Newness and Nowness: Repertoire and Improvisation in the Western Australian New Music Archive’. Performance of the Real Working Papers 1 (1): 13-30 :


Any views or opinion represented in this site belong solely to the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the University of Otago. Any view or opinion represented in the comments are personal and are those of the respective commentator/contributor to this site.