
Dipolar quantum droplets and supersolids

Professor Tilman Pfau

Physikalisches Institut, Center for Integrated Quantum Science and Technology, Universität Stuttgart, Germany


Dipolar interactions are fundamentally different from the usual van der Waals forces in real gases. Besides its anisotropy, the dipolar interaction is nonlocal and as such allows for self organized structure formation, like in many different fields of physics. Although the bosonic dipolar quantum liquid is very dilute, stable droplets and supersolids as well as honeycomb or labyrinth patterns can be formed due to the presence of quantum fluctuations beyond mean field theory.

12pm Wednesday 8 March 2023, Room 314, Science III Building

News Seminars

Inaugural Professorial Lecture – Professor Niels Kjærgaard

Lasers and Gentlemen – An Atomic Viking in New Zealand

About Professor Niels Kjærgaard’s research

Niels works in experimental atomic and laser physics. At Otago his research group has constructed an optical tweezers platform, where powerful laser beams can pinch and manipulate clouds of atoms at temperatures less than one millionth of a degree above absolute zero.

In the Marsden-funded project ‘Littlest Hadron Collider: a Laser-based Accelerator for Ultra-cold Atoms’, they used their optical tweezers for gently bumping frigid atomic clouds together to explore the nature of interactions between atoms colliding at pedestrian speeds. The experiments captured paradigms of quantum mechanics by literally photographing scattered atoms and the project ‘Reactive Cold Collisions in Steerable Optical Tweezers’, recently funded by Marsden, aims to extend their method to the realm of ultracold chemistry.

Niels’ interests also include the two-way, entangled interplay that happens when light and matter meet to interchange information and polarisations become twisted, rays get bent, and atoms are pushed around by light. The observation of Pauli blocking of light scattering published in Science Magazine was selected as Top-10 breakthrough of 2021 by Physics World.

This lecture will be followed with light refreshments, tea, coffee and juice.

Streaming information for Professor Niels Kjærgaard’s IPL

This event will be live-streamed, from 5:25pm Thursday, 9 March 2023, at the following web address:

Professor Niels Kjærgaard’s IPL video stream

Test your connection to the streaming service here


Developments in superconductivity, material and space research at Robinson Research Institute

Professor Nick Long, Robinson Research Institute
12:00 pm Wednesday 17 August
Room 314, Science III Building

Robinson Research Institute develops electromagnetic and materials technologies and has a strong international reputation for superconductivity research. In this talk I’ll go into some of the outstanding problems we are working on to allow superconductivity to be a transformative technology in fields such as aviation, space propulsion and fusion energy.

The institute has also developed collaborative projects in fibre optic sensing and terahertz physics. We are developing spintronic THz emitters (STEs) made from magnetic thin films with the goal of improved conversion efficiency, throughput, and bandwidth. The programme in STEs combines expertise in both ultrafast laser technology and spintronics.

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All interested are welcome to attend