The 265th Scientific Meeting Summer Student Awards was held on the 26th April. This year 10 students presented who were shortlisted from 21 submissions.
The winner was Georgia Keelty (Abstract: GB Keelty, WM de Jonge, HMM Waddell, ML Munro. Characterizing transverse tubules in the right atrium of arrhythmic patients.) from the Department of Physiology, and the runner up was Violina Gunawan (Abstract: V Gunawan, JJE Choi.The stability of single-shade composite resins in the oral cavity.) from the Faculty of Dentistry. While both winner and runner-up will receive certificates, the winner also receives $500 and the runner up receives $250 prize money. These awards are kindly sponsored by the Otago Medical Research Foundation and named after Professor Patricia Cragg.
Professor Pat Cragg was present to hand over the ‘Pat Cragg Summer Students Awards’.
Congratulations Georgia Keelty and Violina Gunawan!