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Author Archives: Kathleen Sircombe

2023 PhD Student Award

The Otago Medical School Research Society is proud to announce 267th Scientific Meeting of the Society which will showcase the research performed by 10 University of Otago PhD students. A panel of judges will award $500 to the best speaker, and the runner-up will be awarded $250. This award is sponsored by the OMRF. Awards will be presented by Acting Pro-Vice Chancellor Patricia Priest.

The meeting will occur between 5.00 – 7.30 pm on Wednesday 16th August 2023 in the Barnett Lecture, with an option to attend via Zoom (

Our speakers are listed below:

Time Speaker Title Co-authors Department
5pm A/Prof Shyamal Das Opening Karakia and welcome
5.05pm Nayla Rhein Spent coffee grounds as a novel biosorbent to remove nitrates from streams. RJ Rosengren Pharmacology and Toxicology
5.17pm Cameron Reddington Redefining the ASXL PHD as a DNA damage recognition factor. T Kleffmann, CL Day, PD Mace Biochemistry
5.29pm Dhananjie Chandrasekera The role of pericardial fluid exosomes in diabetic heart disease R. Shah, I. vanHout, W. DeJonge, R. Bunton, D. Parry, R. Katare Physiology
5.41pm Hayley Stent Biocompatible cross-linking of marine collagen nanofibers for tissue engineering. MH Cumming, GC Dowd, LM Wise Pharmacology and Toxicology
5.53pm Rebecca Lord Neuronal deletion of STAT3, but not ERK2, causes obesity and delayed puberty onset in mice. MA Inglis, GM Anderson Anatomy
6.05-6.15pm Intermission
6.15pm Fergus Payne Carbon monoxide release by oCOm-21 enhances calcium sensitivity of the cardiac myofilament. S Nie, GM Diffee, DS Larsen JC Harrison, JC Baldi, IA Sammut Pharmacology & Toxicology
6.27pm Josiah Edwin What do medical students want in self-help mental health resources ? A focus group study Cornwall, J, Du Plooy, K Psychological Medicine
6.39pm Lucy Thomsen Clinically relevant drugs modulate the effect of AMB-FUBINACA in male and female mice. DB Finlay, M Glass, RJ Rosengren Pharmacology and Toxicology
6.51pm Margaretha Situmorang Adolescents’ unhealthy snacking behaviour during the school journey K Coppell, M Keall, M Smith, S Mandic Department of Medicine
7.03pm Anastasia Labudina Using a zebrafish stem cell model to understand the molecular basis of cohesinopathies.  G Gimenez, M Meier, S Ketharnathan, J Antony, JA Horsfield Pathology
7.15pm Acting Pro-Vice Chancellor Patricia Priest Presentation prizes and closing remarks

Please join us to celebrate our emerging Otago Health researchers. Refreshments will be served from approximately 7.30 pm.


Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi

(With your basket, and my basket, the people will be well)

PhD Student Award 2023 – Call for Abstracts

Kia ora koutou

The Otago Medical School Research Society is proud to announce the Call for Abstracts for the 2023 PhD Student Award at the 267th Scientific Meeting of the Society.

This will occur between 5.00 – 7.30 pm on Wednesday 16th August 2023 in the Barnett Lecture. An option for attending and presenting via Zoom will also be offered.

A panel of judges will award $500 to the best speaker, and the runner-up will be awarded $250. This award is sponsored by the OMRF.

To be eligible for the award you must:

  1. Have not previously won the award
  2. Either
    1. Not graduated with your PhD, or
    2. Graduated with your PhD in 2023.
  3. Report the results of health-related research that you have made a major contribution to as part of your PhD, and was performed under the auspices of the University of Otago, Dunedin.

For details on how to enter and abstract preparation guidelines, please see our blog page

Abstract submission closes at 5pm on Friday 7th July 2023


Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi

(With your basket, and my basket, the people will be well)

2023 Research Staff Award

The Otago Medical School Research Society’s 266th Scientific Meeting is the 2023 Research Staff Award.

This will occur between 5.00 – 7.30 pm on Wednesday 21st June 2023 in the Barnett Lecture Theatre. In person attendance is welcomed, but you may also join by zoom (details below).

Five research staff members will present their work, with a prize of $1000 for the winner. Presentations will be 15 minutes long, with 5 minutes for questions.

Please join us to celebrate Otago Health researchers. Refreshments will be served from approximately 7 pm.

Our speakers are listed below (in confirmed speaking order)

Approx. Time Presenter Title Department
5:00 – 5:20 Benjamin Halliday Addressing Potential Inequities in the Design and Analysis of Clinical Chromosomal Microarrays in Aotearoa Women’s and Children’s Health
5:20 – 5:40 Catherine Ronayne Looking through the lipid glass: Is everything as it seems? Pathology
5:40 – 6:00 Zoe Ashley Can the surveillance schedule post endovascular repair (EVAR) of abdominal aortic aneurysms be safely reduced?: A single centre retrospective study. Surgical Sciences

10min break


6:10 – 6:30 Zeina Al Naasan Cultural safety in dental practice for former refugee patients Sir John Walsh Research Institute
6:30 – 6:50 Kari Clifford Improving Surgical Outcomes with Prehabilitation: Results from a comprehensive research program. Surgical Sciences

Light refreshments



Zoom details:

Topic: OMSRS Research Staff Meeting
Time: 5pm – 7.30pm

Meeting ID: 989 0651 9944

    Password: 256983

Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi

(With your basket, and my basket, the people will be well)

Summer Student Awards 2023

The 265th Scientific Meeting Summer Student Awards was held on the 26th April. This year 10 students presented who were shortlisted from 21 submissions.

Summer Student speakers.

The winner was Georgia Keelty (Abstract: GB Keelty, WM de Jonge, HMM Waddell, ML Munro. Characterizing transverse tubules in the right atrium of arrhythmic patients.) from the Department of Physiology, and the runner up was Violina Gunawan (Abstract: V Gunawan, JJE Choi.The stability of single-shade composite resins in the oral cavity.) from the Faculty of Dentistry. While both winner and runner-up will receive certificates, the winner also receives $500 and the runner up receives $250 prize money. These awards are kindly sponsored by the Otago Medical Research Foundation and named after Professor Patricia Cragg.

Prize winner Georgia Keelty pictured with Professor Pat Cragg and Associate Professor Shyamal Das.

Dr Joanne Choi (centre), supervisor of Violina, pictured with Professor Pat Cragg and Associate Professor Shyamal Das.

Runner-up prize winner Violina Gunawan.

Professor Pat Cragg was present to hand over the ‘Pat Cragg Summer Students Awards’.

Congratulations Georgia Keelty and Violina Gunawan!

Research Staff Award 2023 – Call for Abstracts

The Otago Medical School Research Society is proud to announce the Call for Abstracts for the 2023 Research Staff Award at the 266th Scientific meeting of the Society.


The meeting will be held between 5pm – 7.30pm Wednesday 21st June 2023 in the Barnett Lecture theatre, Dunedin Hospital. An option for attending and presenting via zoom will also be offered.


To be eligible for the Award, you must:

  1. have not previously won this award
  2. be either

a: Research Assistant, Assistant Research Fellow, Postdoctoral Fellow, Scientific Officer or Research Fellow at the time of submission or have completed a contract in one of these roles within the last three months


b: Lecturer, Professional Practice Fellow, or Teaching Fellow, appointed to this role within the last 3 years

  1. report the results of health-related research that you have made a major contribution to, and which was performed while employed in this role at the University of Otago, Dunedin.


Research staff wishing to present a paper at this meeting should prepare and abstract following these guidelines: OMSRS Abstract Guidelines and Template.


Submit your abstract by completing this online form.


The deadline for abstract submission is 5pm Friday 12th May.


Up to 5 speakers will be selected to present for a chance to win $1000 for best speaker, sponsored by The Otago Postgraduate Medical Society.


Speakers will give a 15-minute presentation, with additional 5 minutes for questions.


Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi

(With your basket, and my basket, the people will be well)