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2024 Research Staff Award

Tēnā koutou 


The Otago Medical School Research Society is proud to announce 270th Scientific Meeting of the Society which will showcase the research performed by four University of Otago Research Staff members. A panel of judges will award $500 to the best speaker, and the runner-up will be awarded $250. The meeting and prizes are kindly sponsored by Otago Postgraduate Medical Society. 


The meeting will occur between 5.00 – 6.30 pm on Wednesday 19th June 2024  in the Colquhoun Lecture theatre, 1st floor Dunedin Hospital.


Our speakers are listed below:


Approx time Participant Department  Title
5pm Prof Shyamal Das President of OMSRS Opening Karakia
5.05 pm Fareeda Barzak Biochemistry Novel RNF125 variant associated with Tenorio Syndrome
5.25pm Teodora Georgescu Anatomy Suppression of both bacterial and viral fevers in late pregnancy in mice
5.45 pm Lewis Forester Pharmacology and Toxicology Investigating the relationship between calcitonin gene-related peptide and the calcitonin receptor in the brain of rats and mice
6.05pm Jerry Hsu Psychological Medicine Investigating potential ‘overdose’ of digital mental health intervention targeting depression using cognitive bias modification
6.25 pm Prof Shyamal Das President of OMSRS Closing remarks and closing Karakia
6.30 pm  Kai and presentation of the awards to winner and runner up


Please join us to celebrate our Otago Health researchers.  


Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi 

(With your basket, and my basket, the people will be well) 


Dr Zoe Ashley

OMSRS Meeting Secretary

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