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OneDrive Limitations

OneDrive Path Length Limitations

The entire decoded file path, including the file name, can’t contain more than 400 characters for OneDrive. The limit applies to the combination of the folder path and file name after decoding.

For example:

If the file URL in OneDrive is:

The limit applies to:

“personal/andma14p_registry_otago_ac_nz/Documents/Documents/Office365/Migration Users.xlsx”

Note: the limit doesn’t include the start of the URL or the encoding “%20” for spaces.

For the OneDrive client on Windows or Mac:

In addition to the above, if files are synced to a PC or Mac, the following limitations apply:

  • Each segment of the path (a segment is a file name or folder name like “Migration Users.xlsx” in the example above) can’t be more than 255 characters due to operating system limitations.
  • The length of the OneDrive root folder (e.g. C:\Users\andma14p\OneDrive – University of Otago) + the relative path of the file (up to 400 chars) cannot be more than 520 characters.

“OneDrive – University of Otago” is 30 characters.

Even with:

“C:\Users\andma14p\OneDrive – University of Otago” for example uses 48 of the 520.

OneDrive File Name Illegal Characters

” * : < > ? / \ |

(Leading and trailing spaces in file or folder names also aren’t allowed.)

Invalid File or Folder Names

These names aren’t allowed for files or folders:

.lock, CON, PRN, AUX, NUL, COM0 – COM9, LPT0 – LPT9, _vti_, desktop.ini, any filename starting with ~$.


“_vti_” cannot appear anywhere in a file name

“forms” isn’t supported when the folder is at the root level for a library.

You can’t create a folder name in OneDrive that begins with a tilde (~).

Temporary TMP files will not be synced to OneDrive.

File Upload Size

100GB. For any file larger than a few GB, we recommend using the OneDrive client rather than the web interface.


More reading from Microsoft is available here