
Marsden Funding Success: Hydrogen generation with sustainable resources – a combined molecular, computational and engineering approach

Marsden Funding Success

Keith Gordon image 

Congratulations to Keith Gordon (PI) and James Crowley (AI) on being awarded $941,000 by the Marsden Fund for their three-year project “Hydrogen generation with sustainable resources – a combined molecular, computational and engineering approach“. Also involved in the project are researchers from Friedrich Schiller University, Jena (Dr S Kupfer, Dr GE Shillito and Prof. W Weigand), Ulm University (Prof. D Ziegenbalg) and the University of Nottingham (Prof. MW George).

Abstract: Hydrogen is an important fuel source and commodity chemical used in a wide range of industrial processes. Unfortunately, almost all the hydrogen produced currently is obtained from the steam reforming process which is both energy intensive and generates carbon dioxide as a by-product. There are already several photocatalytic systems, including bimetallic metal complexes that can efficiently generate hydrogen in this way. However, the current technologies use Noble metals which are expensive and rare. They will use earth abundant transition metals such as iron, cobalt and copper by re-designing the photocatalytic systems.

The grant will fund three PhD stipends and related research costs.

For details of other Marsden Fund Awards to University of Otago PIs, see: Otago researchers secure almost $20m in Marsden Fund grants