
New paper in Pharmaceutics

Congrats to Peter, Karlis, Sara and Keith on their publication in Pharmaceutics (Pharmaceutics 2023 , 15 , 1526. https://doi.org/10.3390/pharmaceutics15051526 ).  The paper describes the dehydration process of carbamazepine at differing temperatures.  This was a collaborative effort with Denmark and USA in which the density functional theory for all polymorphs of carbamazepine were calculated along with their Raman spectra. Using low frequency Raman spectroscopy, it is possible to get time-resolution below one second.  These data were then analyzed with multivariate analysis and it was possible to detect high concentrations of the form IV polymorph as a transient species.  The paper highlights the strength of low frequency Raman as an analytical technique to observe transient species during chemical processes.