How will I learn at Otago?
If you are a new student to the University of Otago you will no doubt have a lot of questions……..and sometimes asking questions is challenging…, we are going to try to explain a few things here on our blog, like how do you learn at Otago? It might seem like a silly question, but trust us, no question is ever silly, and we have received a multitude of feedback from international students that suggests our teaching and learning style is different to other parts of the world. So, how will you learn here?
The Lecture
This will be your main source of information and knowledge for the majority of your studies. A lecturer, or a group of lecturers are assigned to teach each of the papers you are enrolled in. Lectures are held in specially designed rooms and last for 50 minutes – and the information is presented to you (as pictured) with verbal commentary following power point slides, printed material may be handed to you in class, including selected readings. Sometimes it may be tempting to miss a lecture, or two……(it is a beautiful sunny day and you’d rather be at the beach) but we urge you to not make this a habit – you’ve paid a lot of money to get this education, so be smart and take all the opportunities you can, including turning up to lectures.
The Lab
If you are studying towards a science or health science qualification, on top of lectures you will get used to spending a lot of your study time in laboratories, like the newly completed Mellor Laboratories pictured here. Here you will get the world renowned ‘hands on’ and practical learning style that we are so well known for here. This isn’t just sitting back and taking information in, this is you doing it all by yourself (with the guidance of a staff member of course!)
The tutorial
The tutorial is again something that we are really well known for – it’s a chance for more opportunity to really interact with staff and your fellow students. Tutorials, as opposed to lectures which can comprise of hundreds of students, are kept down to a smaller scale of approximately 10 students to one staff member. This gives you the chance to get one-on-one assistance, and the tutorial is also used as a way to help figure out the best way to go about an assignment, or to put you into teams to work on your skills working with others.
Self directed study
Another fact you may not know about studying at the University of Otago is that our academics believe you need to be self motivated in order to succeed. They can encourage, inspire and help, but ultimately you have to do the work. Making sure that you plan time to do the readings and to get onto the assignments ahead of the due date. Our tip? Buy a wall calendar/planner to outline all of your lectures/tutorials/labs and assignment deadline dates, it will really make life easier. It might sound a little dull, and something your parents might say, but we really do want these university years to be some of the best years of your life, so taking a little time to map things out will definitely help.
Nicky Richardson is an International Marketing Coordinator at the University of Otago. With degrees in music and marketing, she is a recent graduate of Otago herself – she loves Otago so much she ended up getting a job here!
Where can an Otago degree take you?
One thing that never ceases to amaze me in my job is the sense of loyalty and pride that the University of Otago imparts on alumni. International students who have studied at Otago and have integrated into the culture and immersed themselves in all the opportunities have an incredible passion for this university at the bottom of the world. A passion that continues long after they have left us.
An email sent to our department was forwarded my way last week from a student who graduated with a BSc (Bachelor of Science) in Chemistry in 2012. From my first glance it was clear that this student wanted to share her story, so I got in touch with Nicole Bravo Castro (nee Wurster) to find out what she had to say about her experiences at Otago.

Nicole exploring the spectacular South Island during her time spent here studying for her undergraduate degree.
Plans change
Nicole Wurster (pictured above) had travelled to NZ from her home in Germany as a high school exchange student. She never had any intention of staying beyond that time, but plans do change….
“I felt inspired by everyone applying for university and was immediately drawn to the University of Otago – having been to Dunedin previously on a summer vacation I guess I had already fallen in love with New Zealand’s southern beauty. Back then, I remember strolling around campus and dreaming about studying at Otago. I decided to stay for the duration of my entire undergraduate degree.”
Why Otago?
Like many other international students who choose to study here our worldwide reputation and cutting edge research is attractive. Also, another point that is often mentioned is the welcoming and warm nature of our staff and students, and Dunedin as a whole, Nicole felt immediately at home. But another reason is the flexibility of our programmes – Otago aims to turn out well rounded graduates who have a broader subject knowledge and skill set than their chosen degree may imply:
“Choosing courses at Otago is quite flexible, I could individually select and combine my courses to plan my degree step by step. I absolutely loved this option as it helped me throughout my studies to develop my strengths – the system allowed me to take a couple of non-scientific subjects in order to give me a broader general knowledge.”
How did you find the learning/teaching environment at Otago?
“I loved it and haven’t come across the same dynamics in any other tertiary educational institution I know. Otago’s chemistry department put a great focus on teamwork and offered countless opportunities to develop interpersonal skills. Otago is very modern in both its facilities and its spirit and I developed some core writing skills which I value up to this day. Lecturers were friendly and felt very authentic, which made every trip to university enjoyable – even the early morning lectures! The feeling of not being just one of many, but someone individual with something valuable to offer is something I have frequently missed in European universities.”

Nicole (second from left) and friends with the iconic University of Otago clocktower in the background.
What about the student life/culture?
As we have mentioned before the saying ‘one size does not fit all’ is very applicable. If we are going to be authentic the fact is not every single student that comes to us loves their time here. But one theme that does come through after all our discussions with international students is that keeping an open mind will allow you to enjoy the culture and the range of experiences more. “During my entire time as an international student I have felt fully included by my peers and completely immersed into the Otago culture. I always kept an open mind and am still thrilled about the genuine friendliness of people in Dunedin and their laid back attitude towards life.”

Nicole Bravo Castro today – she credits her time at Otago as a stepping stone to an international mindset and career.
Where are you now?
After completing a Master in Science in Germany and additionally studying for one semester in France, Nicole is now fully employed for the Scottish Company ‘PEAK Scientific’ as territory manager in Northern Germany.
“I love how my job allows me to make use of my chemistry background whilst as the same time giving me the opportunity to speak to a variety of people, using the various languages I speak and benefitting from my international experiences.”
Advice to those thinking of coming here?
“There really is no other place that compares to New Zealand, and Dunedin is particularly gorgeous. If you love natural beauty, sports and everything else the South Island offers, this is your best choice, it is also a very safe place in the world. My years at Otago feel like a key stepping stone in my journey towards having a very strong international mind-set, a curiosity for foreign culture and a high level of tolerance towards others.”
Nicky Richardson is an International Marketing Coordinator at the University of Otago. With degrees in music and marketing, she is a recent graduate of Otago herself – she loves Otago so much she ended up getting a job here!
5 steps to becoming more mentally fit….
What is mental health and fitness? Is it like physical fitness in that you can gain it or lose it? What knowledge and support is there when people need to get help? Or how can people retain their resilience and keep well when life throws its various curveballs? This is an enormous topic, but we are going to keep it simple.
Are mental and physical fitness the same?
Without getting overly complicated or indepth the answer is yes. You can be mentally fit, or un-fit, just as you can be physically fit or un-fit and both can be gained or lost. Depending on a variety of factors, you may be more susceptible to suffering from illness due to mental health than another person. We are all different, and unique and I think it is really important to remember this. Not one size fits all. Understanding your own version of ‘normal’ will help you know when things aren’t feeling right for you. Getting to know ‘you’ is one of the best things that you can do to safeguard and keep yourself mentally and physically well. Let’s go through the five ways to wellbeing as recommended by the Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand.
1. Connect
Feeling connected to others, and feeling valued and appreciated by those around you, whether in a personal or a professional context is a very important part of mental fitness. Human beings are not designed to ‘go it alone.’ In saying that, I’m not suggesting you have to be an extrovert and the life and soul of the party, it just means that we all need connection with others. Strengthening your relationships with your inner circle and your work/study colleagues by talking with them and listening to them are all safe guarding your mental fitness. Healthy connections with people make us feel good about ourselves and where we fit into the world, they also help others understand our own unique perspective on how we view the world and can help support us in times of need.
2. Keep learning
Neale Donald Walsch famously quoted “life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” And although it is lovely to feel safe and comfortable in a daily routine, it also pays to be aware of new opportunities that come across your path. Be open to new experiences. Yes, it may very well be challenging, but that is part of what growing and developing resilience is all about. It is frightening and stressful to try new things and go outside your normal level of comfort, but once you have overcome these initial fears you may completely surprise yourself – this alongside the feeling of self satisfaction will be totally worth it.
3. Take notice
We are all guilty at times of worrying about the future and reminiscing about the past, but trying to ‘live in the moment‘ is another step to mental fitness. Be aware of how you are feeling at any given time, and attempt to understand why. Most importantly remember that all feelings, both good and bad eventually pass. So living in the moment and taking time to appreciate the world around you can also help you keep mentally fit and boost your mental well being.
4. Give
It really is amazing the difference a kind word or gesture can make to your day. Carrying out random acts of kindness, whether small or large are a win, win situation for both the giver and the receiver. The person receiving your kindness feels noticed, valued and appreciated, and as a result you feel positive about yourself! In fact carrying our random acts of kindness can increase happiness, life satisfaction and general well being.
5. Be active
Looking after your mental fitness is helped greatly by looking after your physical fitness. Being physically fit and keeping active is known to improve mood, wellbeing and decrease depression, anxiety and stress. If you are of student at the University of Otago, or the University of Otago Language Centre and Foundation Year programmes you will have unlimited and free access to Unipol Recreation Services.
So whilst this post has been about how to keep, or get mentally fit and improve your wellness, there are times in life where you feel that your version of ‘normal’ is not your usual and that’s when you need to ask for help.
The University of Otago International Office has a specialist team of Student Advisers that are here to help you in a variety of ways, including mental health issues. There is also a designated Student Health Mental Health & Wellbeing Team offering a free service to help guide you. There is also an amazing student led initiative called Silverline Otago that actively promote student mental health and wellbeing in the form of events, groups and resources.
So, look after yourself, both physically and mentally and try the five steps to wellbeing above, see if it makes a difference. You might just surprise yourself……
Nicky Richardson is an International Marketing Coordinator at the University of Otago. With degrees in music and marketing, she is a recent graduate of Otago herself – she loves Otago so much she ended up getting a job here!
Surfing…….just another reason to come to Otago.
We hear lots of reasons why students choose to come to study and live in our little city at the bottom of the world; our world class rankings and reputation, our friendly and welcoming atmosphere and our drop dead gorgeous environment. Choosing to come to study at the University of Otago for the surf is not a reason we’ve come across before, but it is exactly what led Celine Clausen from Norway to our doorstep.
Celine is a passionate surfer, so her criteria when looking to study abroad was to find a world class university in a city that also provided her with incredible surfing opportunities. She found two options; Sydney or Dunedin, and she chose us, but she was completely unprepared for the reality of what she found when she arrived here.
Incredible environment
“I have been completely overwhelmed by the incredible lifestyle offered here and the natural beauty of the surrounding environment. I knew there would be good waves but I had no idea that I would be paddling in the ocean alongside seals, sea-lions and penguins!”
The close proximity of the university and Dunedin as a whole was also something she was unaware of.
“I live super close to campus and the city centre, and I’m surrounded by students and good times. Only 15 minutes away there are beautiful beaches, nature and wildlife. Everything is so close. It’s also easy to travel around the South Island from Dunedin and explore more of what New Zealand has to offer.
Kiwis are so friendly
The friendly student culture at Otago is another factor that has made Celine’s time here an enjoyable one and she has found it easy to transition as an international student.
“Kiwis are the friendliest and most helpful people I’ve ever met and the University of Otago is no exception – I feel so welcome here. Campus is beautiful and lots of fun – all the students live super close and students account for a large part of the population of Dunedin – internationals live beside locals – I can guarantee you’ll have a blast!”
Class size
And it’s not only the natural environment that has made an impact on her, the learning environment has encouraged Celine to delve further into her learning experience.
“Having smaller classes here at Otago makes me really feel like I belong and am a part of the class – it also makes it easier and less intimidating to ask questions and really get to know the lecturers.”
And this relationship with students and lecturers alike has made Celine feel she is not just a number lost in the crowd.
“I have a really good relationship with my lecturers and I appreciate that they know my name and who I am. I feel they all want me to perform to the very best of my abilities and that they are happy to teach me and share their knowledge.”
We loved having you here Celine, and we hope that the memories and the friendships you made here will stay with you for a lifetime. Thanks for the photos, your thoughts and keep living the dream of surfing your way around the world!
If you are an international student and you would like to know more about studying at Otago, following the enquiry link below.
Nicky Richardson is an International Marketing Coordinator at the University of Otago. With degrees in music and marketing, she is a recent graduate of Otago herself – she loves Otago so much she ended up getting a job here!
The Insider’s Top 5 Reasons to Study at the University of Otago
International students have many, many different reasons for choosing the University of Otago. Some of these reasons are well-known, like Otago ranking in the top 3% of universities in the world. Others not so much, and it’s these reasons that Nicky shares with you in this inaugural post.
When it comes to deciding which university you want to travel half way across the world to attend, there is probably no shortage of information within the deafening noise of the internet. We know international students have plenty of options, and we know what makes Otago special. But we also talk to the thousands of students that venture to Otago, all the way down here in New Zealand, and we wanted to share a few of the reasons why they think Otago is their number one.
1. Our approachable and accessible staff
Everybody, and I mean literally EVERY international student who comes to study with us cannot believe how friendly, approachable and available our academic staff are. There are no titles at Otago – you won’t find Professor Juergen Gnoth asking to be called Professor Juergen Gnoth, it is simply Juergen. Our academic staff have an open door policy a lot of the time – you are encouraged to ask questions and to receive help, the barriers to learning are broken down by this style and as a result you will find you learn more.
2. Flexibility of the Otago degree
When you study at Otago, you could just do one degree focusing on a single major (subject). But Otago recognises that we are all complex characters with numerous interests and talents, so you could study a double major (two subjects) or a double degree/double major, or add a minor (focusing just a little bit on another subject), or….you get the picture! Plus, depending on your degree, most students get to choose a number of individual papers (courses) of their liking. Perhaps you’re studying Accounting but your real passion lies in interpretive dance, so why not dabble in DANC201 Contemporary Dance Fusions. Or you might be interested in adding a cheeky paper about selfies (MFCO224 Studying Selfies) to your degree in Botany? At Otago you can. Lucky for you we understand that one size does not fit all, so read on to number 3.
3. Broad range of subject areas and academic staff
Maybe you’re not entirely sure what you want to do in life, or what you would like to study? Perhaps that is why you are choosing to study in a whole new country? Don’t panic – it’s perfectly normal! Otago offers a wide range of subject areas, taught by world class academics who have chosen to leave their home countries to live and teach here. Our teaching is research-led, so the information you are receiving in class is right at the cutting edge of what your lecturer is researching outside of the classroom. You may just find your study passion is something that you never knew existed, until you came to Otago.
4. New Zealand’s student city
If you like the idea of being surrounded by thousands of students, just like yourself, within a small geographical radius, studying in a compact walkable campus within 5 – 10 minutes of your accommodation, then Otago is definitely for you. Otago is not just about academic excellence, it is about offering a student experience and culture that is truly unique. The University of Otago has a population of over 20,000 students with nearly 3,000 international students included in this. And don’t think it is all local Dunedin-ites (people that call Dunedin city home) a staggering 85% of our students come from outside Dunedin.
5. Beautiful Campus
“Wow…I had no idea it was so beautiful….”
“I fell in love with Otago when I first visited it on holiday.”
These are statements we often hear. We are one of only two universities in the world to have a river flowing through the heart of our campus. Yes…a river – complete with cute fluffy ducklings in the spring and salmon heading to their spawning grounds. They say not to judge a book by its cover, but in the case of our campus judge away… We also (not wanting to boast) have a mixture of historic buildings that would happily please the director of a Harry Potter movie set, alongside new buildings blended into this mix. Imagine all of this, set amongst sweeping green lawns, lush trees, manicured flower beds and dotted throughout a range of contemporary art works and sculptures. Being around so much beauty is a privilege and an inspiration all at the same time.
So there you have it, the insider’s top 5 reasons to study at the University of Otago!
Nicky Richardson is an International Marketing Coordinator at the University of Otago. With degrees in music and marketing, she is a recent graduate of Otago herself – she loves Otago so much she ended up getting a job here!