Welcome! Here is where you will find a carefully curated list of links that will give you the tools you need to enhance your teaching and your students’ learning.
If you have suggestions or resources you want to add or suggestions for improvement please contact Tehmina Gladman.
If you want support or information about any aspect of the undergraduate course contact your local Education Adviser.
Health Professional Education Research
Want to learn more about the support available for doing health professional education research? Visit The Medical Education Research page to see what is available.
If you have a great idea for medical education research and are looking for collaborators, please contact the Medical Education Research Academic Lead who can point you in the right direction.
There’s a new blog for medical education research! Visit Medical Education Research at Otago Medical School to read about exciting activities of researchers and learn more about medical education.
Medical Education Journals
There are many journals out there and it can be difficult to determine which ones to focus on. Below are links to the journals we recommend reading to learn more about Medical and Health Professional Education.
The International Journal of Medical Education |
According to their website, this journal is “an international, peer reviewed, open-access journal aimed at promoting the nature and scope of the knowledge that is directly relevant to all domains of medical education and practice.” |
The Clinical Teacher |
According to their website, “The Clinical Teacher is the journal for clinicians who teach and people who are involved in education in a health care setting. It provides easy access to the latest research, practice and thinking in clinical education across the health professions, presented in a readable, stimulating and practical style.” |
Medical Teacher |
According to their website, “Medical Teacher provides accounts of new teaching methods, guidance on structuring courses and assessing achievement, and serves as a forum for communication between medical teachers and those involved in general education.” |
Focus on Health Professional Education: A Multi-Professional Journal |
According to their website, “Focus on Health Professional Education (FoHPE) is the official journal of the Australian & New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators (ANZAHPE), which is the peak organisation for practitioners who educate and train health professionals in Australia and New Zealand. The refereed journal was formally established in November 1998, and is published by the Association to promote, support and advance education in all the health professions. The Journal is intended for educators, clinicians and students who have a commitment to improving health care through better learning and teaching.” |
Teaching and Learning Resources
for an up-to-date list of resources and support for teaching and learning please visit the new Staff Resources and Support page for the Otago Medical Degree.