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Can anyone join this?: Australasian IODP Planning Workshop: Sydney University 13-16 June

Dear colleagues

There will be an important international IODP Workshop at Sydney University from 13-16 June, with good funding support. As you all know Australia and New Zealand have been very successful in working with others to ensure that more than a dozen IODP expeditions have examined or will examine global science problems in our area from 2010 to 2018. The primary aim is to plan the next phase of strong proposals and hence drilling expeditions in our region by JOIDES Resolution, whose schedule has it back here in 2022. Of course, other plans should involve the European platforms and Chikyu. The geographic regions involved are the eastern Indian, the Southwest Pacific, and the adjacent Southern Ocean and Antarctic margin. For us the workshop is essentially about getting teams together to build proposals, and there will be some ANZIC funding to provide travel support for suitable people.

Details are provided on the ANZIC website, under for scientists. The direct link is This works with most search engines but not with Google at this moment. Applications for Australians and New Zealanders to attend have a deadline of 10 April.

If you would like to mention the workshop on social media please do so.

With regards


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