Ship-to-Shore webcast from the Joides Resolution 30 May
On Thursday May 30 the EAOS111 class will be connecting with Christina Riesselman on board the Joides Resolution research vessel for a live webcast.
Time: 12pm
Venue: Quad 2, Geology
It would be great to have a full audience so please come along.
Short courses at the CSDCO/LacCore facility and GSA
Upcoming short courses
Lake Coring and Core Processing Short Course
June 13-14, 2019
CSDCO/LacCore Facility
University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
Successfully Planning and Executing Your Limnogeology/Paleolimnology Project Short Course
Saturday, Sept 21, 2019
Geological Society of America Annual Meeting in Phoenix
Cost: $30 for students, $50 for professionals, thanks to EarthRates sponsorship!
Minutes of SciDrilling @ Otago Meeting Monday 6 May 12:00
1. Review of report from Ocean Planet IODP Strategic Plan workshop
6 New Zealanders participated. There were a lot of early and mid-career researchers at the workshop. A science plan will be circulated to the community for comment by the end of the month. Please read and add your ideas!!!
2. Expedition 378: South Pacific Paleogene Climate. Applications to sail are CLOSING 10 APRIL 2019. For more info and to apply click HERE
3. March and May ANZIC Bulletins
See the summary posts linked in the announcement of this meeting.
4. ORCA update
Refurbishment of lab and office space is well underway
We are discussing transitional arrangements for management of the facility given Gary and Virginia’s new positions away from Otago. Key contacts in future will be Bob Dagg, Chris Moy, Christina Riesselman, and Christian Ohneiser.
5. Report back from EGU Conference
6. Any other business?
Simon Cox reports that the Harbourside and South Dunedin Deep drilling project will be starting on May 20th. Sharon Hornblow (ORC) is the key person, supported by GNS (Phil Glassey). Oliver Rees and Christina Riesselman and others will be involved. Info attached. Holes in Harbourside will be 9m installed with piezos. Holes at Culling Park and Tonga Park will target 70m+/bedrock.
Next IN PERSON meeting @ORCA Monday 5 Aug 12:00. You can also join online here: Zoom:
Interim email updates/meetings will be sent by Virginia on 3 June and 1 July.
ANZIC Bulletin 3 April 2019
The latest bulletin is available to download as a PDF.
- Applications Open: ANZIC Legacy Funding
- Call to sail: South Atlantic Transect 1, Expedition 390
– 5 October to 5 December 2020. Apps due 1 Aug - ANZIC Pre-proposal Workshop Support funding available
- Call for Science Committee Members (talk to CR)
- Exp 368X South China Sea Rifted Margin report available
- Haiti-DRILL Magellan Plus Workshop
– Plouzané France, 20-22 May, 2019 - List of recent publications
SciDrilling @ Otago Monthly Meeting 6 May 12:00 @ ORCA
Hi all
Its due time for another monthly meeting, which will be next Monday 6 May 12:00- at the Core Repository (ORCA). You can also join online here: Zoom:
1. Review of report from Ocean Planet IODP Strategic Plan workshop
2. Expedition 378: South Pacific Paleogene Climate. Applications to sail are CLOSING 10 APRIL 2019. For more info and to apply click HERE
3. March and May ANZIC Bulletins
4. ORCA update
5. Report back from EGU Conference
6. Any other business?
I hope to see some of you there in person or via Zoom.
Thanks, Virginia
ANZIC Bulletin March 2019
The March ANZIC Bulletin can be downloaded as a PDF
It’s contents in summary:
- OCEAN PLANET: Developing the new IODP Strategic Plan 20124-2034 – Join us in Canberra 14-16 April, 2019
- Expedition #389 ‘Hawaiian Drowned Reefs’ is postponed!
- New Caledonia Peridotite Amphibious Drilling Workshop (NCDP) Report
- Save the Date: Science meets Parliament 2019, 13-14 August 2019
- NCRIS User Satisfaction Survey
- Seeking temporary Marine Technicians to sail on JR
- Link to March issue Science & Technology Australia Newsletter
- Upcoming Conference on Paleooceanography