Reminder – analytical funding deadline June 1 5pm
ANZIC funding for analytical work on IODP legacy material
The International Ocean Discovery Program, in its various iterations, has collected core material from all over the globe, since 1969. ANZIC encourages our research community to take advantage of this exceptional resource by conducting short research projects in support of existing research or scope out a new line of enquiry.
Funding is available to researchers working in ANZIC’s Australian member institutions. Awards of up to AU $10,000 and AU$20,000 are available. Funding is awarded for analytical work on IODP Legacy material, leading to publication.
Please read full details of this opportunity at the link below.
Applications by individuals or teams expected by Friday, June 1st (5pm), sent to Program Scientist, Leanne Armand ( and Science Committee Chair, Rob McKay (
ANZIC Bulletin, 17 May 2018
Hi all
The latest ANZIC Bulletin is available in PDF form here
The major things it covers are:
- Special Analytical Funding for Australian-based researchers working on IODP Legacy material has a deadline for applicitions of 31 May 2018
- New ANZIC Governing Council list
- Expedition 376 – Brothers Arc Flux is just starting and there is some information about it
- Comments on the implications of the Australian federal budget for ANZIC funding
- Australian STEM group meeting report
- Employment opportunities
- Communications officer
- Some academic positions at U Melbourne
- Announcement of an IODP workshop to consider Scientific Exploration of the Arctic and Northern Pacific, 25-27 Sept, Mt Hood, Oregon. Please follow the link in the PDF if you think you can and should attend. Note that you cannot draw on ANZIC support to do so.
NSF GeoPRISMS Program Solicitation
From the GeoPRISMS Office:
NSF has just released the new GeoPRISMS solicitation:
Full Proposal Target Date: August 13, 2018
Important revisions this year include:
– Large field projects that involve ship time, significant resources, or where the fieldwork is a significant fraction of the budget (>15%) are no longer accepted to the program;
– In order to encourage synthesis and integration of multidisciplinary datasets and models, we will welcome conference proposals throughout the year, separately from the full proposal Target Date;
– Postdoctoral proposals now only require two letters of reference
– Postdoctoral Fellows are now called Postdoctoral Scholars
Questions should be directed to PO Jennifer Wade:; (703) 292-4739 or Maurice Tivey:; (703) 292-7710
[GeoPRISMS] Student survey for U.S. crustal-scale marine seismic imaging capabilities
Dear Peers and Colleagues,
We are organizing a student response to NSF’s decision to divest from the R/V Marcus G. Langseth by 2020. If you are a student who feels that your future research and training opportunities are impacted by this decision, we ask that you complete this brief survey by Friday, May 11:
If you are not a student, we ask that you consider sharing our survey with students who relate to the description above. Survey participants will be provided the opportunity to sign a response letter stating student interests in academic crustal-scale seismic imaging facilities.
Dominik Kardell, University of Texas at Austin, Institute for Geophysics
Bridgit Boulahanis, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University
Andrew Gase, University of Texas at Austin, Institute for Geophysics
Hannah Mark, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Massachusetts Institute for Technology
Justin Estep, Texas A&M University
Ethan Williams, California Institute of Technology
Amanda Price, Washington University in St. Louis
Colin White, Stanford University
Brendan Philip, University of Washington
The GeoPRISMS Office is hosted by The Pennsylvania State University.
Questions? Contact the GeoPRISMS Office at
To contribute to the GeoPRISMS Listserv, please send your message to
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The Pennsylvania State University | Department of Geosciences
GeoPRISMS Program 503 Deike Building University Park, PA 16802
OtagoSciDrilling Monthly Meeting: 12pm Monday 14 May @ Staff Club
Gary Wilson will convene the next monthly Otago Scientific Drilling meeting next Monday 14 May at 12pm at the Uni Staff Club
Agenda items:
1. Core repository – Property services having funding approved to modify the building so we are underway (YAYAYAYAYAYAY)
2. New Vessel for Otago
3. Update from recent NZ Ocean Drilling group meeting (hopefully provided by Christina Riesselman – TBC)
4. Venue for these meetings – any desire to move them to a quieter place? If so – where?
5. Any other business?
Minutes will be taken and posted here after the meeting.