Linda Troost on Jane Austen
The Centre for the Book is pleased to welcome to campus Professors Linda Troost and Sayre Greenfield, both well-known scholars of eighteenth-century literature. Prof. Troost has kindly agreed to deliver a lecture entitled, “Jane Austen, Sea Anemones, and Digital Archives” on Monday, 13 July at 5:30 pm in Archway 2.
Co-authors of Jane Austen in Hollywood, now in its second edition, Professors Troost and Greenfield have also both served as presidents of the East-Central American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies. Prof. Greenfield will be delivering a talk to the Department of English and Linguistics Seminar on Friday, 10 July at 4 pm.
Prof. Troost is also the editor of the AMS Press journal, Eighteenth-Century Women, numerous essays on literature and gender, and the guiding light behind her blog, Jane Austen in the Machine: Explorations in the Digital Humanities. She is also Chair of the Department of English at Washington & Jefferson College in Pennsylvania.
Please join us for what promises to be a most engaging talk.