
Linda Troost on Jane Austen

Linda Troost and Sayre Greenfield at Lone Pine Koala SanctuaryThe Centre for the Book is pleased to welcome to campus Professors Linda Troost and Sayre Greenfield, both well-known scholars of eighteenth-century literature.  Prof. Troost has kindly agreed to deliver a lecture entitled, “Jane Austen, Sea Anemones, and Digital Archives” on Monday, 13 July at 5:30 pm in Archway 2.

Co-authors of Jane Austen in Hollywood, now in its second edition, Professors Troost and Greenfield have also both served as presidents of the East-Central American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies.  Prof. Greenfield will be delivering a talk to the Department of English and Linguistics Seminar on Friday, 10 July at 4 pm.

Prof. Troost is also the editor of the AMS Press journal, Eighteenth-Century Women, numerous essays on literature and gender, and the guiding light behind her blog, Jane Austen in the Machine: Explorations in the Digital Humanities.  She is also Chair of the Department of English at Washington & Jefferson College in Pennsylvania.

Please join us for what promises to be a most engaging talk.


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