
Book Night in Dunedin North, Tuesday 23 May, 7 pm

For those of you not in the loop, Book Night is an evening to celebrate the enjoyment of books.  Book Night is a fun nationwide reading event for people of all ages, run by Book Discussion Scheme.  Individuals can join in from home, the office, wherever…or come together to participate in an activity.  This year Book Night takes place on Tuesday, 23 May, and we are planning to gather in the University of Otago Council Chamber (formerly the University’s library, and thus a very suitable venue) to enjoy readings from our favourite representation of University life–satiric or nostalgic, ancient or modern, prose or verse.  All are welcome; just bring along your favourite passage of up to 5 minutes in length, or just bring along your favourite friend to listen with you.  We’ll conclude by 8pm at the latest, snap a picture of ourselves and post it to the Book Night website.

To see what’s happening throughout NZ, check out the Book Night website.