2021 World Book Day Lecture

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The Centre for the Book is delighted to offer the annual World Book Day Lecture, this year on Thursday, 4 March, at 5:30 pm in Archway 2.

Our speaker this year is Juliet Blyth, the Chief Executive of Read NZ | Te Pou Muramura. The title of her talk is “Reading When You Can’t Be Bothered: Who Isn’t Reading and What Can Be Done about It.” Books are wonderful things in themselves, but they only truly come to life in the hands of a reader. We look forward to hearing from an enthusiastic reader and advocate for the importance of reading.

As usual, the talk will be followed immediately afterward by a buffet dinner at the Staff Club just across the way from the lecture theatre. Tickets are $50 and a cash bar is available. Payment may be made online or cash payments will be collected at the dinner, but you must book in advance so that we know how many to provide meals for. You can book online here, indicating the number of seats desired and any dietary restrictions. UBS and the English and Linguistics programme will offer raffles, and you will enjoy wonderfully bookish company. We do hope you can join us.

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