Save The Date! Feb 15
What:“The Road Not Taken”, Mobility Health: New Directions in Teen Mobility Management.
AMHC announces our Inaugural Symposium in Dunedin, New Zealand. This will be an international live AND online multidisciplinary event showcasing new directions in the areas of teen mobility, the paradox of speed, and the importance of parental and youth engagement in mobility choices.
This event will be held in front of a live studio audience AND streamed live to the Web. Individual presentations will be archived on this web page after the Symposium.
Where: Both online and at the Media Production Studio, 2nd floor of the Owheo Building, 133 Union Street East (corner of Union and Forth Streets), University of Otago, Dunedin Campus.
When:8:30 AM to 1:00 PM, Wednesday 15 February 2012 (or click for your local time).
Download Flyer: AMHC 2012 Symposium Flyer
Register (choose one)
- In-Person Attendance: If you’d like to be part of the live studio audience, there will be seating and lunch for around 50.
While there is no charge, availability is on a first come first serve basis.
Click for On-Site Studio Registration
Online attendees can interactively contribute to the discussion with questions and comments:
Twitter – #AMHC2
Text (SMS) – (SMS charges may apply):
- NZ: +(64) 022 082 9569
- US: 1 (412) 223 6675
- After the Symposium, please fill out the online evaluation survey and add your public comments to the bottom of this page.
“The Road Not Taken”
Mobility Health: New Directions in Teen Mobility Management
Local Time (World Clock)
8:30 Welcome and Overview – Hank Weiss and Aimee Ward
8:45 Prof Hank Weiss (University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand) – ‘Deep change and adolescent mobility health’.
9:15 Assoc Prof Paul Tranter (School of Physical, Environmental and Mathematical Sciences, UNSW@ADFA, Canberra, Australia) – Keynote Address: ‘The urban speed paradox: youth perspectives on time pressure, transport and health‘.
10:15 Morning tea
10:35 Dr Bruce Simons-Morton (NIH Prevention Research Branch, Rockville, Md, USA) – ‘The role of parents in adolescent transport decisions‘ (via Skype).
11:10 Arthur Orsini (Urbanthinkers, Vancouver, Canada) – ‘Engaging teens in healthy transport decisions‘.
11:45 Teen panel discussion – Facilitated by Arthur Orsini from Urbanthinkers engaging local non-driving teens and the studio audience.
1:00 Lunch