Fonterra sets on-farm emissions targets – Expert Reaction

Thursday, November 9th, 2023 | buncr79p | No Comments

Professor Sara Walton, Otago Business School, University of Otago; and Co-Director, He Kaupapa Hononga Otago’s Climate Change Research Network, comments:

“Farming and agriculture plays a significant part in the Aotearoa New Zealand economy. Transitioning to low carbon in this sector is not an easy task and it is important for Fonterra and any large organisation in this sector to show leadership and work in partnership with suppliers and customers in their scope 3 emissions as they report in their latest publications.

Professor Craig Bunt, Division of Sciences, University of Otago; and Director, University of Otago Agricultural Innovation Programme, comments:

“Fonterra’s recent announcement regarding its climate plans and on-farm emissions targets is a commendable step toward addressing environmental concerns in New Zealand’s agricultural sector. However, it raises questions about the apparent reliance on technologies that have yet to be proven in the country’s agricultural system.

Link to full article Fonterra sets on-farm emissions targets – Expert Reaction – Science Media Centre